- Javerian Center for Competitiveness
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá
- Presidency - Bogota
- School of Architecture and Design
- School of Arts
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Chromatic aberration
- Cinemateria
- Coroncoro vocal ensemble
- Critical analysis and musical thinking
- Sculpting the present: creative research seedbed based on the method of physical actions.
- Seré breve
- Sound pulsation
- Stories, knowledge and theatricalities of the South
- Tentacular music: glimpses of electronic sounds
- School of Canonic Law
- School of Communication and Language
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Audiovisual Journalism Applied Research Student Group (SIAPA)
- Bibliometrics and Science Evaluation
- Clandestine project: the gray areas of innovation
- Decolonizing the language
- Discourses and practices on reconciliation
- IA'anna Weaving with Codes, Artificial Intelligence and Languages
- Information science, society and culture. Infocrear
- Languages, discourses and educational practices
- Neurobilinguism
- Politics and communication
- Seedbed of knowledge and information analytics (SEKIA)
- Subjectivity, language and power
- VR&360 Immersive Media Reseach Student Group
- School of Dentistry
- School of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- School of Education
- School of Engineering
- Departments
- Institutes
- Laboratories School of Engineering
- Research Groups
- Bioengineering, signal analysis and image processing
- Center for Research in Optimization and Logistics - CIOL
- Center of Ergonomics Studies
- CEPIT: Control Systems, Power Electronics and Technological Innovation Management
- MIMESIS: Education supported by technology
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Group Javeriana University
- Risk in natural and anthropic systems
- SIDRe - Information Systems, Distributed Systems and Computer Networks
- SIRP - Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Perception
- Structures and Construction
- Telecommunications Research Group - SISCOM
- Water and environmental science and engineering
- ZENTECH - Improvement and Technology
- Research Student Groups
- ARTICO (Networked Applications, Telematics and Internet of Things)
- B-tech
- Center for Ergonomics Studies
- Geoenvironmental risks and disasters
- Industry 4.0
- INGENIAS - Researchers. Student Group for the Co-creation of New Gender Dynamics in Engineering, Academia and Society.
- Javeriana blockchain
- JAVEX Robotics
- Machines
- Operations research in healthcare
- Production and logistics
- Research Student Group in electronic design and innovation (Wm-Electronics)
- Seedbed of knowledge and information analytics (SEKIA)
- Virtualization and cloud computing technologies (VCLOUD)
- Water for the future: monitoring, modeling, and management.
- Whitelab
- School of Environmental and Rural Studies
- Departments
- Institutes
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Agroecological studies
- Aquasistemas
- Ecological economy
- Ecology and Conservation of Amphibians and Reptiles (SECAR)
- GEEA - entomocene
- Land, ecological and agricultural conflicts
- Landscape Ecology in the Anthropocene
- Peripheral urban-rural and natural resource territorialities in the contemporary city.
- Responsible tourism
- Transformational organizational ecosystems
- School of Law
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Constitutionalism, constitutional judge and political deliberation
- Corporate Law and Corporate Operations
- Economic analysis of public international law
- Economic criminal law
- Economic law and competition law
- Investigation in international criminal law and transitional justice
- Investment, human rights and territory
- Labor law and social security
- Legal clinic on law and territory research student group
- Military Law
- Penitentiary law
- Private law
- Procedural law
- Research Student Group on Contemporary Constitutional Law (SIDERCC)
- School of Medicine
- Departments
- Department of Anesthesiology
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Department of Internal Medicine
- Department of Morphology
- Department of Neurosciences
- Department of Orthopedics and Traumatology
- Department of Pathology
- Department of Pediatrics
- Department of Physiological Sciences
- Department of Preventive Medicine
- Department of Psychiatry and Mental Health
- Department of Radiology and Diagnostic Imaging
- Department of Surgery and Specialties
- Institutes
- Research Groups
- Adult Chronic Diseases
- Colombian group of research in education and biomedical sciences applications
- Department of Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
- Diagnostic and Innovation in Health Research Group PUJ-HUSI
- General surgery and specialties
- Perspectives in Neurosciences, Psychiatry and Aging.
- Preventive and social medicine
- Research Group in Anesthesiology, Pain and Palliative Care PUJ-HUSI
- Urgent and Emergency in Health Care
- Women and Childhood Research Group
- Research Student Groups
- Anesthesiology research stududent group
- Art, health and humanities
- Biostatistics
- Cardiology
- Clinical epidemiology - research in the service of clinical practice
- Cytogenetics and mutagenesis
- Endocrinology - diabetes and obesity, new technologies
- Epigenetics and lung cancer
- Gastroenterology and Digestive Endoscopy (SIGED)
- Global health, preventive and social medicine
- Gynecology and obstetrics Research Student Group
- Hospital Management
- Human donation
- Immunology
- Infectious Diseases (Medicine)
- ISPOR - Clinical Economics Student Group
- Javerian research student group of interest in autoimmunity and rheumatology.
- Mental health and resiliency promotion
- Nephrology
- Neuroscience and Aging Research Student Group
- Orthopedics and traumatology
- Otorhinolaryngology and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Perinatal medicine
- Prescription of physical exercise
- Research in oncology
- Research Student group in Congenital Anomalies
- Research Student Group in neurology, neurosciences and neurosurgery
- Research Student Group in ophthalmology VISION 20/20
- Research Student Group in Pediatrics (SEMIPEDS)
- Research student group of neonatology: nattus
- Research Student Group radiology (SIR)
- Sleeping disorders
- Stem cells
- Surgery and specialties
- Systematic literature reviews: a tool for health research
- Tissue healing and regeneration - plastic surgery
- Translational Health Medicine and Education Research Student Group - METAS
- Urgencies and emergencies
- Urology and genetics
- Departments
- School of Nursing
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Aging Together - Elderly Care (ENVECAM)
- Children and Adolescent Care with Psychosocial Approach (CUNAPS)
- Discourse and Interaction Studies in Nursing Care (SEDICE)
- Generators of Humanized Care for Pregnant Women, Precursors of Health (GEMASA)
- Narrar para cuidar
- Nursing care focused on cancer prevention
- Nursing epistemological development
- Oncology and Palliative Care Nursing (ENONPAL)
- Respiratory Care (CUIRES)
- School of Philosophy
- School of Political Science and International Relations
- Departments
- Institutes
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Critical political theories
- Formalization of agricultural property rights
- Gender and peacebuilding
- Governance, participation, ethics and digital transformation
- International political economy
- Latin America and the Caribbean research student group
- Paz en Montes de Maria
- Public policies, poverty and inequality
- Representación política
- Thematic of research on youths
- School of Psychology
- School of Science
- Departments
- Institutes
- Research Groups
- Biological Agriculture Research Group
- Clinical Laboratory Sciences-GCLC
- Environmental and Industrial Biotechnology Group
- Environmental Sanitation and Biotechnology Unit (USBA)
- Experimental and Computational Biochemistry
- Group of Molecular Systematics
- Immunobiology and Cell Biology
- Infectious Diseases
- Institute for Inborn Errors of Metabolism
- Meals, nutrition and health
- Medical Physics
- Molecular Population Genetics and Evolutionary Biology
- Physics Mathematics
- Plant and Production Systems Biology
- Research Group Phytochemistry Universidad Javeriana
- Structural biophysics and biochemistry
- Theoretical Physics Group - PUJ
- Thin Films and Nanophotonics Group.P.U.J.
- Research Student Groups
- Alimentary innocuity
- Aquatic ecology
- Biological Agriculture
- Biological control of crops
- Biophysics and physiology of ionic channels.
- Cellular and molecular neuroscience
- Clinical laboratory sciences
- Colombian Food, Nutrition and Biodiversity (ANBC)
- ConGÉNeres
- Elitros, entomology work group
- Environmental microbiology
- Food systems and the human rights to nutrition
- Functional and applied ecology
- Functional foods as part of the comprehensive treatment of chronic diseases
- Ichthyology
- IEEE-photonics IEEE Chapter
- Inborn errors of metabolism institute research student group
- Infectious Diseases (Science)
- Management and conservation of wildlife
- Marine Biology (biomar)
- Maternal and infant nutrition
- Microbiological quality of water and sludge (CMAL)
- Molecular Biology and Physiology of Cultivated Plants
- Ornithologists
- Physiology and regulation of biological systems
- Research Student group for interdisciplinary studies on plant-animal relations
- Research Student Group in degradation of polluting plastic polymers
- Research Student Group in Ecosystem Restoration-SIRE
- Research student group on veterinary infectious diseases and zoonoses
- Seedbed of knowledge and information analytics (SEKIA)
- Soil ecology
- Strategic marine ecosystems
- Sustainable use of natural resources
- Use and conservation of flora
- School of Social Sciences
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Arrochelados: Semillero de Estudios Afrocolombianos (Afro-Colombian Studies Seedbed)
- Audiovisual history
- Collective of Studies on Memory and Conflict
- Ethnography and social movements
- Granatum colonial research
- History, visual culture, gender and daily life
- Image studies and reading practices
- Interdisciplinary research student group on culture and nature (SIICUNA)
- Laboratory/seminar on plural cultures - intersections in culture(s), politics(s) and heritage(s)
- Latin American Literature Research Student Group (SILAT)
- Peasantry-territory and resistance
- Research Student Group of Anthropology and History in Education
- SEPLA Latin American thinking
- Structuralist studies
- School of Theology
- Vice presidency for Academic Affairs
- Vice presidency for Extension and Interinstitutional Relations
- Vice presidency for Research
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Cali
- Presidency - Cali
- School of Creation and Habitat
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Research Student Group Art and technology
- Research Student Group Habitat Consulting: housing and community studies
- Research Student Group Habitat Studies
- Research Student Group SINÁPSIS
- Research Student Group Theory and History of Architecture
- Research Student Group Theory and History of Colombian Architecture
- Research Student Group Tulpa
- School of Economics and Administrative Sciences
- Center
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Data science
- Integration and accounting context
- Javeriana's Business Development Student Group
- Research Student Group Consumer Psychology and Behavior
- Research Student Group in Entrepreneurship based on GEM
- Research Student Group International Business
- Research Student Group of the Observatory for the Monitoring of Economic Activity (IMAE)
- Research Student Group on Data Processing and Analysis in Economics (SPADE)
- Research Student Group Thought and Practice
- Sumak kawasy
- School of Engineering and Sciences
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Conservation and Biotechnology Research Group
- Contaminant Detection and Remediation Research Group (DECOR)
- Modeling and Operations Management Research Group (MGO)
- Research Group Automatics and Robotics (GAR)
- Research Group Coral Reef Ecology
- Research Group DESTINO
- Research Group Visual Application Programming Environments (AVISPA)
- Seismic Engineering and Materials Research Group (SIGMA)
- Statistics and Applied Mathematics Research Group (EMAP)
- Research Student Groups
- Logistics and Transportation Research Student Group (SILOGYT).
- Research Student Group Biomedical Application Development
- Research Student Group BIOPHOTONICS
- Research Student Group Building Materials MATCON
- Research Student Group Construction Management
- Research Student Group Ecorquideas
- Research Student Group Evolutionary Developmental Ecology
- Research Student Group Geotechnical and Environment (GEAM)
- Research Student Group in Applied Software Engineering
- Research Student Group in Infraestructure and Sustainable Intermondal mobility
- Research Student Group in Mechanical Engineering and Sustainability (SIMS)
- Research Student Group Korallion
- Research Student Group MIRAVE
- Research Student Group Mutualisms and ecosystem services in the Neotropics
- Research Student Group Problems in Computing.
- Research Student Group SEDEE
- Research Student Group SMARTIC
- Research Student Group Statistics & Data Analytics (SDA)
- Research Student Group Technologies for a sustainable world
- SEIN3 - Research Student Group in Industrial Eng.
- School of Health Sciences
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Research Student Groups
- Research and Education Student Group in Human Genomics
- Research Student Group Civitas Cura
- Research Student Group CREISPUJ
- Research Student Group For Integral Human Care (SIPCIH)
- Research Student Group in Clinical and Sports Nutrition SINCYD
- Research Student Group in Food and Nutrition Research and Innovation (SEIAN)
- Research Student Group in Gastronomy and Health
- Research Student Group in Preventive Medicine and Health Education
- Research Student Group Obstetrics and Gynecology- OBGYN
- Research Student Group - Spectrum Food Environments - SIAMBE
- Research Student Group Surgical Sciences (SSIG-PUJ Cali)
- School of Humanities and Social Sciences
- Center
- Departments
- Research Groups
- Communication and Languages Research Group
- De Humanitate Research Group
- Health and Quality of Life Research Group (SYCV)
- Research Group Cognitive Development, Learning and Teaching (DCAE)
- Society, State, Institutions and Law research group (SEID)
- Welfare, Work, Culture and Society Research Group (BITACUS)
- Research Student Groups
- Aesthetic Research Student Group
- PsychoHealth Research Student Group
- Research Student Group Awamuy
- Research Student Group Contemporary Philosophical Problems
- Research Student Group Critical Perspective of Law
- Research Student Group D.I.T LAB. Legal Innovation Lab.
- Research Student Group Dialogue of Knowledge and Aesthetics
- Research Student Group Educational Interactions
- Research Student Group in Phenomenology
- Research Student Group Intersectionality and Inclusivity.
- Research Student Group in Well-Being, Work and Organizations
- Research Student Group Memory and Ruralities
- Research Student Group Neurotrophics
- Research Student Group Parentality, social vulnerability and social coexistence
- Research Student Group Right to communicate
- Vice presidency for Academic Affairs
- Vice presidency for Wellbeing
- Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá
- Hospital Universitario San Ignacio