Extractive Industries Sector Framework Document

Producción: Informe/libroInforme oficial


The Sector Framework Documents are knowledge documents that provide guidance in responding to the diversity of challenges and institutional contexts to which the IDB Group's borrowing member countries are exposed, as well as significant orientation for IDB Group specialists and a clear idea of the challenges that the IDB Group seeks to address in the sector. Supporting development of the extractive industries and the implementation of good practices in producer countries involves solving a variety of challenges. This includes (i) closing gaps in terms of good policy, governance, and institutional capacity in the extractive industries in Latin America and the Caribbean; (ii) designing government institutions and policies that support socioenvironmental sustainability, integration, and economic diversification; (iii) preparing decarbonization plans and strategies to manage the transition to low-carbon economies; (iv) supporting efforts to strengthen fiscal institutions in order to manage volatility; and (v) improving transparency and integrity in the extractive industries.
Idioma originalInglés britanico
EstadoPublicada - 15 feb. 2021
Publicado de forma externa

Serie de la publicación

NombreInter-American Development Bank


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