Encrucijadas sobre ¿qué vender? máquinas expendedoras en entornos alimentarios universitarios

Alexandra Pava-Cárdenas, Patricia López-Ramírez, Alba Lucía Rueda Gómez, Pablo Alexander Reyes Gavilán

Producción: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva

1 Cita (Scopus)


Introduction. Food and beverage vending machines (MEBA) are gaining presence in universities, which promotes weight gain in young adults. Objective. to recognize the configuration of the MEBA for the construction of a healthy food environment in a university in Colombia. Materials and methods. multimodal descriptive design, with an empirical approach of: interview with decision makers of the educational institution (n=6); analysis of sales during one year (n=12,955) in the MEBAs (n=12); characterization by nutritional density of the offer (n=152) and tracking of circulating communications associated with food. The analysis considered four moments: I-Relationships; II-MEBA Channel; III-Nutrition and IV-Interaction. I and II focused on the political, sociocultural, physical and economic components. The III studied the nutritional contribution of drinks and foods to integrate results in the IV. Results. the absence of a policy on institutional food such as communicative visibility seems to enhance social conditions that reinforce logics of: “necessary evil”, “already existing consumption profile”, “absence of academic exercises” and “negative experiences with healthy eating”. Foundations to offer with greater demand drinks such as soft drinks and water and, in food, chocolate in different formulations. In the classification by nutritional density, it was found that the drinks were classified as “unhealthy” (51.6%); “something healthy” (28.1%) and “healthy” (20.3%). “Somewhat healthy” foods (44.9%); “unhealthy” (32.2%) and “healthy” (22.9%). Conclusions. the university, a training space, requires efforts at sociocultural understanding, management aligned with health promotion regulations to influence the nutritional quality offered to the university community.

Título traducido de la contribuciónCrossroads about what to sell?: vending machines in university food environments
Idioma originalEspañol
PublicaciónArchivos Latinoamericanos de Nutricion
EstadoPublicada - jul. 2023

Palabras clave

  • built environment
  • collective eating
  • health promotion
  • healthy eating
  • higher education


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