A new characid species with remarkable sexual dimorphism (Characiformes: Characidae: Stevardiinae) from the upper Guayabero River, Orinoco basin, Colombia

Tiago P. Carvalho, Andréa Tonolli Thomaz, Alexander Urbano-Bonilla, Saúl Prada-Pedreros

Producción: Contribución a una revistaArtículorevisión exhaustiva


A new species of characid with remarkable sexual characteristics is described from the upper Guayabero River drainage from the Orinoco basin in Colombia. The new species is included in the genus Monotocheirodon by sharing most of the previously proposed diagnostic features of this genus. It differs from all Stevardiinae by the combination, in adult males, of an enlarged urogenital papilla in contact with the first anal-fin unbranched ray and a highly modified anal fin with enlarged and distally elongated first and second branched anal-fin rays, forming a gonopodium-like structure. In addition, it differs from congeners by the presence of an adipose fin, an incomplete lateral line, an ascending process of the premaxilla dorsally oriented, and a long snout. The new species was discovered from a poorly sampled region in Colombia and is an unexpected new record given its disjunct geographic distribution from other species of the genus. Monotocheirodon species were previously known from piedmont drainages in Bolivia and Peru. The conservation status of the new species is herein categorized following IUCN criteria.

Idioma originalInglés
PublicaciónJournal of Fish Biology
EstadoAceptada/en prensa - 2024


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