Evaluacion del efecto del canal del dique sobre los arrecifes coralinos de la Bahia de Cartagena y los Archipielagos de Rosario y San Bernardo.

  • Lopez Victoria, Mateo (Investigador principal)
  • Rodriguez Ramírez, Alberto (Coinvestigador)
  • Marulanda Gomez, Angela Maria (Estudiante)

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


Coral reefs have been experiencing a progressive and continuous decline, particularly during the last four decades. The Caribbean is one of the regions of the world where coral reefs have been more affected. While several factors have contributed to this deterioration, sedimentation from continental runoffs is one of the most worrying (as well as pollutants). It has been suggested that coral reefs of the central region of the Colombian Caribbean platform has been negatively affected by the Canal del Dique (an arm of the Magdalena river that flows into the bays of Cartagena and Barbacoas), however the relationship between the Canal’s discharges and the coral decline has not yet been properly assessed. Therefore, this proposal aims to evaluate the effect that the Canal del Dique has had over the coral formations of Cartagena region (channel of Varadero and surroundings areas) using coral-based sclerochronology, in a time period of 50 to 80 years (or more, if possible). For this purpose Coral cores will be analyzed under UV light to produce a record of coral luminescence variability (runoff proxy) and identify drivers of terrestrial influence on these reefs. In addition the cores will be used to establish historical changes in coral growth parameters. This proposal for the “Convocatoria Capital Semilla PUJ-Cali-2015” will be the foundation to develop a larger research project to evaluate the impact of the Canal over the coral reefs from the complete region, including the historical analysis of the pollutants. Thus this proposal constitutes a fundamental part for the mentioned later research project. The outcomes of this project will help to clarify the role and impact of the modern civil engineering works of the Canal del Dique has had over the coral reefs. Such information is fundamental to support decisions about future fluvial and maritime developments plans of the country, as well as management and conservation plans of our national parks.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin20/01/1620/12/16

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado