Diseño Conceptual interdisciplinario, a partir de un modelo ampliado del Diseño axiomatico, de ayudas Tecnicas y Tecnologicas para Movilidad Personal que favorezcan la inclusion social de personas en situacion de discapacidad.

  • Aguilar Zambrano, Jaime Alberto (Investigador principal)
  • Chamorro, Cristian (Coinvestigador)
  • Cordoba Andrade, Leonor Del Nj (Coinvestigador)
  • Gonzalez Cruz, Maria Carmen (Coinvestigador)
  • Hurtado, Maria Nora (Coinvestigador)
  • Valencia, Andrés (Coinvestigador)
  • Valencia Diaz, Manuel Vicente (Coinvestigador)
  • Vasquez, Diana (Coinvestigador)
  • Virgen, Arlex Leyton (Coinvestigador)

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


The social inclusion of people in a handicapped situation demands greater possibilities of communication and mobility in a competitive environment which is each time more demanding in terms of social interaction. With the participation of a multidisciplinary team, this project seeks to be able to research and design technical and technological support for mobility, for persons with disabilities who suffer from serious motor impairment, in order to promote their social inclusion. The interdisciplinary participation in the design of products expands the vision of the problem and creates better solutions for the problems of product design. Furthermore, a young enterprise is involved within the designer team in order to facilitate the transition of the product to the market and favor innovation. For the design of technical and technological support, the product design theory of axiomatic Design proposed by Nam P Suh in MIT will be used. The project seeks to involve some novel features to the axiomatic Design, compared with its original formulation: The first one is the explicit involvement of a multidisciplinary project team and the second is the consideration, as working elements in the design, of non-functional requirements of the product which are perceptual or qualitative in nature. On the other hand, the creative process of design will be accompanied by various creativity techniques, with preference, the Systematic Strategy of Inventive Creativity TRIZ. The project consists of several stages such as the diagnosis of the population with disabilities (users), the approach to the problem (the requirements) and the conceptual design of the product which involves the development of prototypes and documentation.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin26/03/0930/12/10

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado