Desarrollo de un sistema de geolocalizacion narrativa para el seguimiento del patrimonio artistico durante la guerra civil y la posguerra española.

  • Navarro Newball, Andres Adolfo (Investigador principal)
  • Colorado Castellary, Arturo (Coinvestigador)
  • Contreras Roldan, Victoria Eugenia (Coinvestigador)
  • Moreno Sanchez, Isidro (Coinvestigador)
  • Arévalo Arboleda, Juan Camilo (Asesor)

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


Information and communication technologies (ICT) are a fundamental tool to increase the knowledge of scientific, cultural and artistic processes, as well as all kinds of objects related to these processes [1]. Hypermedia Narrative, backbone of the development of these projects, requires the contributions of technology and computing, so that the various media serve as a communication between the program or hypermedia application and the user. Particularly, this project seeks to solve the question: How to use computing and hypermedia narrative to develop an accessible model of geolocation that allows to visualize cultural information of a temporary spatial character?
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin01/06/1815/12/19

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado