Desarrollo de un modelo de datos y de interaccion unificado y adaptable para los proyectos "Glosario social multimedia", "Investigacion historica y representacion digital accesible" y "La ciudad escondida".

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


a data model based on a narrative database and a model of interaction that is extendable customizable and allows easy manipulation and accessibility to the contents is required. accessible development will take into account the "Mobile First + Responsive Web Design" concept, since the mobile device must be the first screen with which you can interact properly and, of course, must be "Responsive", so any screen can be used optimally. Thus, this project seeks to resolve the question: how to use computing (interaction, video games, devices) and Narrative Hypermedia to develop a model of adaptive interaction and data that allows to integrate information from different types of complex cultural content?
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin01/08/1530/11/17

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado