Reformas economicas y desarrollo en china y vietnam. el papel de las instituciones desde una perspectiva historica comparada.

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


In the last forty years, some asian countries have achieved an effective economic development, which has led to high growth, structural changes and an improvement in both living standards and the structure and trends of international integration. all of these processes have been the result of major institutional changes. This Project would be the first of several ones dedicated to the study of development processes in various asian economies, in order to produce a book on the so-called ‘asian model of development’ with historical and theoretical approaches from political economy. at this stage, the main objective is to analyze comparatively the institutional aspects of economic reform processes undertaken in China and Vietnam from a historical perspective.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin02/02/1511/12/15

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado

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