Lenguaje, reconocimiento y accion: cartografias de la justicia en la filosofia contemporanea.

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


This research project aims to develop a cartography of justice in contemporary philosophy in order to make a diagnosis of our time. Given that the phenomena of justice are unique to a human way of life, the mapping of this concept into the political space circumscribed only by nation-states is insufficient. The experiences of injustice in their various natures force us to widen our gaze. Therefore, the thesis of this project is that a new and more accurate cartography, now delimited by three anthropological concepts with a greater explanatory scope, is needed: language, recognition and action. The relation between these makes possible a greater integration on what constitutes the human condition, that is to say, the intersubjectivity. always keeping in mind that in this constitution the individual is not blurred, but also understood from the social dimension. This mapping, then, deepens the tension between political philosophy and social philosophy1.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin01/02/1830/12/18

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado

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