“inattentional blindness” y la enseñanza juridica: el caso del embargo y los bienes fuera del comercio en la educacion de la cultura juridica de colombia.

  • Delvasto Perdomo, Carlos Andres (Investigador principal)
  • Diaz Gutierrez, Ivan Alberto (Coinvestigador)
  • Salazar Calero, Juan Fernando (Coinvestigador)
  • Zappala Sastoque, Francesco (Coinvestigador)

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


This research project is intended to determine if the goods that suffer from embargo are out of commerce? If the answer is negative we would try determine how is it that a wrong conception has struggle to survive as a collective idea of Colombian legal culture, this will imply to study and analyze the legal doctrine of Colombia in this topic, but why has an wrong idea persisted in legal culture in Colombia? Perhaps the best and reasonable reason is in the way humans process visual objects, something that physiologists have called “Inattentional blindness”1, we actually think that this phenomenon is present in legal education in Colombia and the idea that goods that suffer embargo are out of commerce is an excellent example of this existence problem, the present project will try to prove through empirical methods that this wrong conception exists in legal culture, and that this misconception is correlated and probably is a consequence of “Inattentional blindness” and it will propose ways in which it would be convenient to minimize the effect of “Inattentional blindness” in legal education.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin25/01/1124/01/12

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado

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