Estudio de posibles colisiones de las familias de soluciones pares y periodicas que emanan desde el problema circular de sitnikov con la solucion nula.

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


The Sitnikov problem is a restricted three body problem where the primaries with equal mass are moving in a circular (circular Sitnikov problem) or an elliptic orbit (elliptic Sitnikov problem) of the 2-body problem in the plane x,y and the infinitesimal mass is moving on the z- axis which passes through their center of mass placed at the origin z=0. This project is devoted to study analytically and numerically the possible collision of the families of symmetric periodic orbits in the elliptic Sitnikov problem obtained as a global continuation from the circular Sitnikov problem with the equilibrium solution z=0, providing qualitative information on the bifurcation diagram of such families and those families that bifurcates form the equilibrium solution at certain positive values of the eccentricity of the elliptic orbits of the primaries.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin18/01/1718/12/17

Estado del Proyecto

  • Cerrado

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