Estudio de caso sobre el proceso de recuperacion del control territorial por parte del estado bajo la politica de seguridad democratica en siete veredas del nororiente del departamento del cauca.

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


The purpose of this research is to identify the social, economic, cultural and symbolic changes that have occurred in the communities of seven districts located in the Department of Cauca. These changes have taken place as a result of the implementation of the Democratic Security Plan in an effort to regain total authority over an area that has been under FaRC’s control. The empirical research will combine quantitative and qualitative methods. The data will be collected from several institutions and social organizations as well as from discussions with the people in the district, and other people. We hope that this research will allow us to see the impact that the Democratic Security Plan has had in a particular region. This information will allow us to make suggestions that will help in the development of public security plans which, in turn, would improve living conditions for the people that live in the conflict zones in the country.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin17/01/1116/12/11

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado

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