Consolidacion del repositorio comhistoria (archivo historico digital de comunicacion del suroccidente de colombia) mediante un estudio comparativo de repositorios sobre historia de procesos y medios de comunicacion en el mundo, la ampliacion de colecciones y la creacion de una comunidad de usuarios.

Proyecto: Investigación

Detalles del proyecto


Consolidation of the COMHISTORIa Repository (an Historical Digital archive of Communication in Southwestern Colombia) through a comparative study of repositories based on the history of communication media and process worldwide, the broadening of collections and the creation of a community of users. The process of creation and development of the COMHISTORIa Repository at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana Cali, begun in 2009; requires, for its sustainability and continuity as a research tool, first of all a comparative analysis of similar experiences worldwide thus allowing for the availability of new criteria to broaden collections and, secondly, the creation of a community of users. These objectives require indispensable and permanent human and material resources in order for the consolidation of this repository as a tool around which processes of research, teaching and extension are generated along with the main communication media and networks of communication researchers in the south-western region of Colombia (Cali, Popayan, Pasto), the country and the world.
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin10/01/1316/12/13

Estado del Proyecto

  • Terminado

Huella digital

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