Detalles del proyecto
Nowadays, services marketing researchers and managers of emerging countries face various challenges. First, while they face pressure for economic results, they are under pressure to enhance consumers or community welfare by the design and provision of services that improve the wellbeing of individuals and society. These pressures are remarkable in emerging economies at which the business initiatives have not been able to improve the living conditions of vulnerable populations (Reynoso & Cabrera, 2019). The second challenge comes from the fact that services companies are pushed to seek international markets as a strategy for growing in the long term (Castaño, Méndez, & Galindo, 2016). These pressures for becoming multinationals are especially challenging for companies of emerging countries, which have not been able to develop a strong base of resources that allow them to create competitive advantages at foreign markets (Andonova & Losada-Otálora, 2017). The third challenge of services companies of emerging counties is the need for innovation. Although services firms of emerging countries have been able to innovate successfully leveraged by some technological capabilities (Govindarajan & Ramamurti, 2011), there is lacking a deep knowledge on what are the specific determinants of innovation in firms characterized by a low resource endowment (Meyer & Peng, 2016). Also, there is a need for research on innovation that overcomes the drawbacks of cross-sectional studies and shed light on innovation or services firms regarding the innovative trajectory of firms. Academics of various disciplines interested in emerging markets have advanced some theoretical developments for helping services managers at emerging countries and academics to solve the drawbacks of prior research on services management. For instance, regarding the need for extending the benefits of services from customers and firms to societies, recent research call for a transformative approach to service research (TSR) for helping managers to design services that enhance both individual and societal welfare (Anderson, Nasr, & Rayburn, 2018). Although TSR has proven to be useful in some services, scarce research uses TSR to study how the design of services influence the quality of life of customers. For instance, in experience-based stores, there are no studies on how the design of consumption spaces improve the wellbeing of customers. Regarding internationalization of firm services, some research has been developed to explain the motivations and outcomes of international endeavors of services companies from emerging countries (e.g., Bello, Radulovich, Javalgi, Scherer, & Taylor, 2016). However, little is known about internationalization processes by firms of this sector, the resources that they use to leverage their endeavors to foreign markets (Rammal & Rose, 2014), or about the strategies they use to compete abroad (Hofer, 2015). Also, the role of contextual variables (e.g., institutions at host country) on the decision of adapting or standardizing the marketing strategy is under-researched. Regarding the innovation challenge of services firms from emerging countries, some research shows the link of innovation outcomes to growth and performance of services firms in foreign markets (Castaño et al., 2016). However, more theoretical and methodological research is needed to develop a comprehensive theoretical framework to explain the determinants of innovation performance of services firms in emerging countries (Giannetti & Rubera, 2019). Ideally, these theoretical and methodological developments should take into account that innovation is an uncertain long term process (Pisano, 2015) constrained by multiple organizational and external factors (Nieves & Segarra-Ciprés, 2015). Regarding the above-stated antecedents and challenges of managers and researchers interested in services firms, this research project addresses three related research questions: 1. What mechanism may use service firms (e.g., experience stores) to transform the quality of life of their customers? 2. How firm resources relate to marketing strategy (e.g., adaptation vs. standardization) of firm services in foreign markets? 3. What are the determinants of innovation of firm services rooted in emerging economies in foreign markets?
Estado | Finalizado |
Fecha de inicio/Fecha fin | 30/07/19 → 29/07/22 |
Financiación de proyectos
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