What Is The Evidence Related To The Dimensions Of Burnout In Medical Students According To Maslach's Theoretical Model?: A Rapid Literature Review

Nicolás Andrés Pérez-Barbosa, Gabriela Pineda-Urueña, Laura Valentina Piñeros-Dallos Piñeros-Dallos, Natalia Prada-Gwinner, Francisco Palencia-Sánchez

Research output: Working paperPreprint


To study in a holistic way the burnout syndrome in students of medicine Maslach et al, established a theoretical framework constituted in three fundamental elements: depersonalization, reduced personal accomplishment, and emotional exhaustion, which can help approach the investigation to the factors, causes, and therefore the interventions to prevent and promote the mental health in this population. For that, a quick literature review was carried out, through databases that allowed obtaining articles about Burnout syndrome in medical students to analyze them and extract the most valuable information to complement the theoretical framework of the subject in question. The information obtained allowed us to conclude that Burnout in medical students is a product of the interaction between individual factors and environmental factors in the academic and labor part. Lifestyles as doing little exercise, not having extracurricular activities, lower levels of spiritual well-being, alcohol abuse, consumption of drugs, irregular meals during the day, having a major illness and being single, and other dimensions as workload, personality, and mental health, working relationships, and psychological demand, were the most influential factors in the onset of the Burnout syndrome. That is why this article it is proposed further investigations in lifestyle and life event factors of the students because of the lack of data on the topic and the relevance of the individual personality and mental health in the possibility of having depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. Furthermore, it is important to have multidisciplinary and administrative interventions to proportionate ways to prevent the syndrome and promote a supportive environment.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages21
StatePublished - 08 Apr 2022


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