Una visión panorámica sobre la hermenéutica bíblica latinoamericana

Translated title of the contribution: An Overview of Latin American Biblical Hermeneutics

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The present article intends to make a journey through the most gen-eral and relevant aspects of biblical hermeneutics in a liberationist key in our continent, focusing the attention on methodologically solid exegesis experi-ences and contextually based hermeneutics, which have occurred in academ-ic environments. All of this is done with a view to highlighting those challeng-es and tasks that those of us who choose to work in biblical hermeneutics from this perspective are called to assume.
Translated title of the contributionAn Overview of Latin American Biblical Hermeneutics
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publication80 años de exégesis bíblica en América Latina.
Subtitle of host publicationActas del Congreso Internacional de Estudios Bíblicos organizado con ocasión del 80º aniversario de Revista Bíblica (Buenos Aires, 16 al 19 de julio de 2019)
EditorsEleuterio R. Ruiz
Place of PublicationEstella (Navarra)
Number of pages16
StatePublished - 01 May 2021


  • Biblical hermeneutics
  • Liberationist perspective
  • Latin American experiences
  • Popular Reading of the Bible


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