
This paper proposes rewriting modulo SMT, a new technique that combines the power of SMT solving, rewriting modulo theories, and model checking. Rewriting modulo SMT is ideally suited to model and analyze reachability properties of infinite-state open systems, i.e., systems that interact with a nondeterministic environment. Such systems exhibit both internal nondeterminism, which is proper to the system, and external nondeterminism, which is due to the environment. In a reflective formalism, such as rewriting logic, rewriting modulo SMT can be reduced to standard rewriting. Hence, rewriting modulo SMT naturally extends rewriting-based reachability analysis techniques, which are available for closed systems, to open systems. Furthermore, a single state expression with symbolic constraints can now denote an infinite set of concrete states. The proposed technique is illustrated with the formal analysis of: (i) a real-time system that is beyond the scope of timed-automata methods and (ii) automatic detection of reachability violations in a synchronous language developed to support autonomous spacecraft operations.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)269-297
Number of pages29
JournalJournal of Logical and Algebraic Methods in Programming
Issue number1
StatePublished - 01 Jan 2017


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