Quantitative analysis on the geomorphology influence in slope stability

Alfonso Mariano Ramos Cañón, Sebastián Camacho Orozco, Jorge Alberto Escobar Vargas, Andrés Francisco Garzón González

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Landslide occurrence is associated with some conditioning factors and triggering landslide processes. This research contributes to quantify the influence of geomorphology as a conditioning factor in slope stability, via analysis based on a finite element method with an elastoplastic constitutive model. The analysis performs through a numerical simulation with nine three-dimensional slope models. The spatial variation of the stress tensor and its components were obtained by the invariants that reflect the influence of the geoform and flow regime in slope stability. Finally, the authors calculated an index potential failure that quantifies, in a unified manner, the influence of the confinement pressure and shear stress in the slope to determine a susceptibilty failure area.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)13-28
JournalRevista Ingenieŕıas Universidad de Medelĺın
Issue number30
StatePublished - 2017


  • geomorphology
  • slope
  • finite element method
  • elastoplasticity
  • failure


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