Pressurized Liquid Extraction (PLE)

Natalie Álvarez Alarcon, Juan S. Ortiz-Ramírez, Jenny P. Ortega-Barbosa, Diego Ballesteros-Vivas, Luis I. Rodríguez-Varela, Fabián Parada Alfonso

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Pressurized liquid extraction (PLE) is regarded as an emergent extractiontechnique; it is an appropriate tool to obtain green extracts from foods or relatedsamples. Studies on the content of contaminants in foods or food raw materials can becarried out by PLE. In the same way, studies on the obtention of bioactive extractsfrom classic and emerging foods and their by-products can be carried out by PLE too.Besides sequential process combinations of PLE with other innovative extractiontechniques could generate benefits for the food industry. The objective of this chapteris to clearly define the role that this technique plays in food analysis, as well as theupdated spectrum of some of its applications during the last lustrum
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationGreen Extraction Techniques in Food Analysis
EditorsMerichel Plaza, Maria Luisa Marina
Place of PublicationSingapur
PublisherBentham Science Publishers Ltd
Number of pages39
ISBN (Electronic)9789815049459
ISBN (Print)9789815049466
StatePublished - 10 Aug 2023

Publication series

NameCurrent and Future Developments in Food Science
PublisherBentham Science Publishers
ISSN (Print)2705-0807
ISSN (Electronic)2705-0815


  • Bioactive extracts
  • Food analysis
  • Green extraction
  • Instrumental analysis techniques
  • Pressurized liquid extraction


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