Modelación multiescala de estabilidad de taludes en mezclas de bloques embebidos en matriz fina (BIM)

Translated title of the contribution: Multiscale modelling of slope stability of block-in-matrix (BIM) materials

Clairet Guerra, Jeisson Pinzón, Luis Felipe Prada, Alfonso Mariano Ramos

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Soils are usually evaluated as homogeneous materials and rocks as solid or continuous media. However, there has always been a great uncertainty when evaluating materials with a high degree of heterogeneity; such materials are referred as Bimsoils. In this paper the implementation of multiscale numerical modeling is shown for the study of materials with discontinuous nature. Triaxial tests using Discret Element Modelling were developed, where the variation of shear strength parameters, according to the block volumetric proportion (BVP) and the blocks shape was shown. Slopes in FEM were modeled with the inclusion of individual blocks and compared with limit equilibrium slope analysis using parameters from homogenized resistance. It was established that it is possible to define the parameters of homogenized resistance as dependent exponential functions of the surface area ratio of the blocks. It was showed a decreasing friction angle trend as the sphericity of the blocks decreased, in addition to conventional friction angle increase and decrease in cohesion with increasing volume ratio of blocks. A comparison of the factor of safety obtained by finite elements and limit equilibrium is performed. Finally, the need of a multiscale approach for heterogeneous materials analysis is established.

Translated title of the contributionMultiscale modelling of slope stability of block-in-matrix (BIM) materials
Original languageSpanish
StatePublished - 2016
Event2nd International Specialized Conference on Soft Rocks, ICSR 2016 - Cartagena, Colombia
Duration: 06 Oct 201607 Oct 2016


Conference2nd International Specialized Conference on Soft Rocks, ICSR 2016


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