Mental Health and the Correlation with Professional Athlete’s Performance, a Rapid Literature Review-Working Paper

Nathalia Pachón-Blanco, María Clara Peña-Ciro, Juliana Pineda-Ortega, Alejandra Restrepo-Martínez, Francisco Palencia-Sánchez

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Introduction: Since recent years quite a sum of elites athletes have gone public about their struggling with mental health and their performance. Objective: This research aims to review the literature available about the impact athletes’ mental health has on their performance. Methods: we did a rapid review of literature from January 2017 to January 2022 searching the following databases Embase, Science Direct, Scopus, and Web of Science Results: a total of 23 studies met the inclusion criteria we found that mental health, in different ways, is associated with performance. Regarding stress and anxiety, low levels can be positive for athletes’ performance Conclusion: Mental health is associated with performance. Assorted studies show how stress/anxiety can generate changes at diverse levels (physiological, psychological, and behavioral), and how those can impact athletic performance at different sports. Additionally, sleep patterns and quality can also influence a person’s mental and physical state, thus it can also influence performance
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
StatePublished - 01 Apr 2022


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