International Development of a Concept of Reparation for Victims of Human Rights Violations and Infractions of International Humanitarian Law: Complements to the UN Perspective

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In the slow process of configuration of an internationally recognized and protected formal Right to Reparation for victims of political violence and abusive State power, U.N. General Assembly Resolution A/RES/60/147 of 2006 should be considered as an important landmark of moral evolution. This is evidenced by its contents, in which essential Human Rights principles converge, and by elements of victimology and Restorative Justice that allow the adoption of a broad and integral perspective on reparation for the most defying political problems, such as armed conflicts and political transitions, within the frame of internationally built ethical values. To provide a glimpse upon the progressive development of an international concept of Reparation it is indispensable to take into account threedimensions: Historic or related to normative and codifying generalities, complex or intersected by multiple terms and inter-contextual problems, and specific or about meticulously defined contents according to restorative purposes.
Translated title of the contributionDesarrollo internacional de un concepto de reparación a las víctimas de violaciones a los derechos humanos e infracciones al derecho internacional humanitario: complementos a la perspectiva de la ONU
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)739-773
JournalPapel Político
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2008


  • Political violence
  • Human rights
  • Distributive justice
  • Armed conflicto


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