Identity Struggles during Resettlement: An Ethnographic Approach of Internally Displaced Adolescent Mothers in Bogotá

Yazmin Cadena-Camargo, Anja Krumeich, Maria Claudia Duque-Páramo, Klasien Horstman

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Many internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Colombia are teenage mothers, who experience unique gendered identity struggles in the rural areas where they were born and during processes of displacement and resettlement. We chose an ethnographic approach both to collect the life stories of 20 displaced adolescent mothers who had resettled in Bogotá and to conduct eight workshops. The analysis shows that the participants struggled with their identities as 'women' in the rural areas in the context of violence and armed conflict when they faced motherhood while still being adolescent and becoming displaced and when they embraced the formal 'displaced person' identity while enduring difficulties with the receptor communities during resettlement. The new identity status as 'displaced' that they wished for as a basis for benefits does not imply that the identity struggles are over. Our analysis shows that the gendered struggles of adolescent IDP mothers with multiple identities that are not easily aligned are accumulating, resulting in a complex challenge during resettling.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)890-914
Number of pages25
JournalJournal of Refugee Studies
Issue number1
StatePublished - 01 Mar 2021


  • Colombia
  • migration
  • motherhood
  • pregnancy
  • youth


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