Humania modelo de agentes para el avistamiento de otras formas posibles de vida social humana basadas en el constructo vinculo de apego como fundamento micro-sociológico de las relaciones sociales

Research output: ThesisThesis doctorate


A social simulation experience based on the categories 'Attachment Bond' (AB) and 'Attachment Patterns' (AP) as the basis of micro-relationships between agents is presented. In Humania, agents with different AP over time and according to probability rules establish relationships that vary in intensity, from which emerge macro-social structures that can be represented by graphs. 16 simulation experiments results used to verify and validate the model in terms of its ability to generate different social forms, which can be grouped into three broad categories according to the dynamics of power laws exhibiting - equal, not equal and indeterminate- were obtained. The potential of the categories AB and AP to develop simulation projects for a better understanding of nature of human societies as emergencies is concluded.
Original languageUndefined/Unknown
Awarding Institution
  • Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá
  • Obregón Neira, Nelson, Supervisor
StatePublished - 2014


  • Emergent social forms

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