Fatiga por compasión y agotamiento profesional en personal de salud ante el duelo y muerte en contextos hospitalarios

Translated title of the contribution: Compassion fatigue and burnout in healthcare facing of grief and death in hospital

Diana Norella Córdoba-Rojas, Daniela Sanz-Guerrero, Ana María Medina-Ch, María Teresa Buitrago-Echeverri, Ángela María Sierra-González

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


To identify and analyze in the literature the production related to comparison fatigue and psychological exhaustion present in healthcare personnel who provide care and attention to people during the death and grief processes of patients and their families, respectively. Integrative review in the JSTOR, ProQuest, Medline (vía PubMed), LILACS y Google Scholar databases in the period 2005-2018. The review identified the identification of three important bodies of academic production: On the one hand, qualitative studies that describe the phenomenon, secondly, those that scale and measurement tools of the problem and finally those that analyze strategies developed against the same. In hospital settings, health personnel accompanying a person during the death process are prevented from showing feelings and mourning the loss of their patients. The administrative procedures, the depersonalization of health, the number of patients in charge and the low conscience in relation to death regulated in a certain way, what happened, preventing health personnel from unloading feelings, leading them to present psychological exhaustion and fatigue. out of compassion.

Translated title of the contributionCompassion fatigue and burnout in healthcare facing of grief and death in hospital
Original languageSpanish
Article numbere200478
JournalSaude e Sociedade
Issue number3
StatePublished - 2021


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