Expresión de marcadores en células dendríticas de pacientes chagásicos crónicos estimuladas con la proteína KMP-11 y el péptido K1 de Trypanosoma cruzi

Translated title of the contribution: Expression of markers on dendritic cells from chronic chagasic patients stimulated with the KMP-11 protein and the K1 peptide from Trypanosoma cruzi

Sandra Paola Santander, Adriana Cuéllar, María del Carmen Thomas, Fanny Guzmán, Alberto Gómez, Manuel Carlos López, Concepción Puerta

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

3 Scopus citations


Introduction. The kinetoplastid membrane protein 11, KMP-11, from Trypanosoma cruzi elicits humoral and cellular immunity in mice that protects them from infection against further parasite challenge. Objective. To characterize the expression of surface markers on dendritic cells from chronic chagasic patients and healthy individuals, in response to the KMP-11 protein from Trypanosoma cruzi and its N-terminal peptide K1. Materials and methods. Monocyte-derived dendritic cells from seven chronic chagasic patients and seven healthy individuals were stimulated with the KMP-11 protein and the K1 peptide. Seven days after culturing, the CD83, CD86, and HLA-DR membrane expression as well as the production of cytokines were evaluated by flow cytometry. Results. Neither KMP-11 protein nor K1 peptide elicited the expression of the maturation marker CD83 on dendritic cells of patients or healthy control individuals. Dendritic cells from chronic chagasic patients exposed to K1 and LPS at the same time prgented a significant reduction in CD86 and CD83 membrane expression in contrast to the cells exposed to LPS alone, whereas dendritic cells from healthy individuals did not show this behavior. The secretion of interleukin-12 was decreased in the cultures of dendritic cells from chronic chagasic patients but not from healthy controls. Conclusions. KIVIP-11 protein does not affect the maturation of dendritic cells, but in the presence of LPS the K1 peptide leads to a decreased expression of CD86 and CD83 as well as interleukin-12 production, This phenomenon may be associated with an impaired T cell stimulation.

Translated title of the contributionExpression of markers on dendritic cells from chronic chagasic patients stimulated with the KMP-11 protein and the K1 peptide from Trypanosoma cruzi
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)18-27
Number of pages10
Issue numberSUPPL. 1
StatePublished - Jan 2007


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