Escribir en el posgrado: el acompañamiento de tesistas para su desarrollo como investigador(a)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


This chapter looks at graduate students who are writing a thesis at the master’s degree or PhD level, with an emphasis on the thesis advisors’ perception of their own role, their relationship with the thesis writer, and the ways of accompanying the writing process in graduate school. Their testimonies are analyzed to identify the literacy practices related to accompaniment and the meanings that are attributed to them. The results show that the pedgaogical accompaniment of the writing process can have a favorable impact on the formation of researchers by helping thesis writers improve their critical–argumentative capacity and participate in the academic communities that they hope to join. These findings can contribute to the design of policies for forming thesis advisors
Original languageSpanish
Title of host publicationLectura y escritura académicas. Experiencias de acompañamiento en la universidad
EditorsAlejandra Sánchez-Aguilar
Place of PublicationGuadalajara
Number of pages46
ISBN (Print)978-607-8910-22-9
StatePublished - 01 May 2023

Publication series

NameColección Literacidad y Pedagogía


  • academic literacy
  • research–related writing
  • graduate thesis
  • reading and writing pedagogy

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