El Trabajo en la Era Digital: Desafíos de la cuarta Revolución Industrial

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The fourth industrial revolution implies challenges that involve economic, political and social activities. Work, as a human activity, is immersed in the dynamics of the digital world as a source of productivity and income generation, but also as the axis of programmatic and legislative discussions. This paper seeks to understand the main challenges of work in the digital age, starting from a premise: all technological changes represent a challenge. Thus, this paper addresses thoughts on the challenges in terms of governance, data protection and cybersecurity, decent work and social protection, social dialogue and dispute resolution, artificial intelligence and job displacement and even, happiness. It concludes in the form of a decalogue that allows public and private institutions to face the challenges of digital work.
Original languageSpanish
Number of pages22
StatePublished - 17 Apr 2024
EventCongreso Internacional de Derecho del Trabajo - Universidad Católica de Oriente en Ríonegro, Antioquia - Universidad Católica de Oriente , Ríonegro, Colombia
Duration: 16 Apr 202418 Sep 2024
Conference number: 5


ConferenceCongreso Internacional de Derecho del Trabajo - Universidad Católica de Oriente en Ríonegro, Antioquia
Internet address


  • Work
  • Digital
  • Fourth Industrial Revolution
  • Decent Work
  • Social Protection
  • Productivity
  • Social Dialogue
  • Artificial Intelligence

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