Complete study for erectile dysfunction (CompED) improving diagnosis and treatment decision-making

Julian Chavarriaga, Juan Prada, Peter Olejua, Hugo López-Ramos, Maryori Manjarrez, José Miguel Silva

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Erectile dysfunction is a condition associated with increasing age. Patient evaluation and management should follow a comprehensive, stepwise approach. The aim of this article was to report our experience with the complete study for erectile dysfunction, including intracavernous injection rigidity test, biothesiometry and colour duplex Doppler ultrasound. Data were collected and analysed prospectively. The primary end point was to determine whether treatment decision-making was eased by the CompED test. Secondary end points were to establish which clinical variables prior to the study could impact the results of the CompED test, to finally improve patient selection for the study. 187 patients were recruited, 31.2% of the patients had an axial rigidity below 50%, 28.5% had a peak systolic velocity <25 cm/s, 13.2% had an end-diastolic velocity >5cm/s and 27.5% had an abnormal biothesiometry. The factors that best predicted an abnormal result in any of the tests were age >70 years, IIEF domain A < 14 points, and previous radical prostatectomy or radiotherapy. The CompED test stands as a new alternative for the evaluation of patients with erectile dysfunction, being less time consuming, aiding in a more accurate determination of the aetiology and guiding treatment decision-making.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere14212
Issue number11
StatePublished - Dec 2021
Externally publishedYes


  • doppler Ultrasound
  • dysfunction
  • erectile
  • inhibitors
  • phosphodiesterase 5
  • vasculogenic impotence


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