Brecha de género en pensiones en 23 ciudades de Colombia y sus áreas metropolitanas: análisis sobre la encuesta de hogares 2008-2019

Translated title of the contribution: Gender gap in pensions in 23 cities of Colombia and their metropolitan areas: analysis of the household survey 2008-2019

Victoria Eugenia Estrada, Bilver Adrian Astorquiza Bustos

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


One initial expression of gender inequality in pensions is the lack of systematic and gender-differentiated information on affiliation coverage and pension benefits. This limits the analysis of progress in women's social security in old age and gender equity goals. In Colombia, few studies analyze the gender gap in pensions; the aim of this article was to analyze this gap using indicators of affiliation coverage and pension benefits with information from the Integrated Household Survey in the period 2008-2019. Results: the gender gap in the affiliation rate to the pension system is expressed in a difference of 5.2 percentage points in 2008, with a tendency to increase, reaching 6 percentage points in 2019. The gap in the pension benefit rate manifests itself in a difference of more than 27 percentage points for 2008, reducing to 24.7 percentage points for 2019, a reduction that occurs at the expense of a more pronounced decrease in the rate of men. Conclusion: the gender gap in the rate of pension beneficiaries suggests low access coverage for women to social security in old age and highlights the structural gender inequality in pensions. The gender gap in the affiliation rate, documented in this study, foresees an unfavorable future for both men and women in accessing pensions, a more dramatic situation for women.
Translated title of the contributionGender gap in pensions in 23 cities of Colombia and their metropolitan areas: analysis of the household survey 2008-2019
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)1
Number of pages26
JournalRevista Gerencia y Politicas de Salud
StatePublished - Jan 2023


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