Atención recibida por las publicaciones en revistas biomédicas colombianas indexadas, medida por métricas alternativas

Translated title of the contribution: Attention Received by Publications in Indexed ColombianBiomedical Journals, Measured by Alternative Metrics

Oscar Mauricio Muñoz Velandia, Yalinne Gómez Quesada, Daniela Patiño Hernández, Daniel Gerardo Fernández Ávila

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Introduction: There is no consolidated analysis of theattention received by scientific information published inColombian biomedical journals on the Internet and socialnetworks. Objective: To describe the impact of articlespublished in these journals using alternative metrics.Methods: Descriptive observational study, evaluatingarticles published between January 2017 and September2019 in Colombian biomedical journals indexed inScopus and ISI Web of Science. For each article, thementions registered by the Altmetric tool (number,sources, characteristics of the people who shared theinformation) were evaluated, and a ranking of the bestarticles was made. Results: A total of 2934 articlespublished in 18 Colombian journals were evaluated. Atotal of 18.2% had mentions in the network. Most ofthe mentions appeared in Mendeley (73.8%) and Twitter(18.4%). The journals with the highest proportion ofarticles mentioned in Altmetric were Biomédica (61.5%),and Revista Colombiana de Urología (57.4%). 82% of theTwitter accounts that shared the information belonged togeneral public. 46.2% of the users resided in Colombia.Conclusions: Our study suggests that there is room forimprovement in the dissemination of scientific informationon the Internet in general, by authors and biomedicaljournals in Colombia.
Translated title of the contributionAttention Received by Publications in Indexed ColombianBiomedical Journals, Measured by Alternative Metrics
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)1-10
Number of pages10
JournalUniversitas Médica
Issue number4
StatePublished - 30 Jan 2024


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