A set based newton method for the averaged hausdorff distance for multi-objective reference set problems

Lourdes Uribe, Johan M. Bogoya, Andrés Vargas, Adriana Lara, Günter Rudolph, Oliver Schütze

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3 Scopus citations


Multi-objective optimization problems (MOPs) naturally arise in many applications. Since for such problems one can expect an entire set of optimal solutions, a common task in set based multi-objective optimization is to compute N solutions along the Pareto set/front of a given MOP. In this work, we propose and discuss the set based Newton methods for the performance indicators Generational Distance (GD), Inverted Generational Distance (IGD), and the averaged Hausdorff distance ∆p for reference set problems for unconstrained MOPs. The methods hence directly utilize the set based scalarization problems that are induced by these indicators and manipulate all N candidate solutions in each iteration. We demonstrate the applicability of the methods on several benchmark problems, and also show how the reference set approach can be used in a bootstrap manner to compute Pareto front approximations in certain cases.

Original languageEnglish
Article number1822
Pages (from-to)1-29
Number of pages29
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2020


  • Generational distance
  • Inverted generational distance
  • Multi-objective optimization
  • Newton method
  • Performance indicator ∆
  • Set based optimization


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