Mitochondrial fission and fusion: A new pathway towards senescence in Stem Cells.

Project: Research

Project Details


The fundamental fission and fusion machinery has been defined, but much still remains to be discovered about its physiological role and possible impact on aging and senescence, especially in stem cell biology. In recent years, mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) have become very popular because of their tremendous therapeutic potential in tissue regeneration. In order to obtain an adequate number of cells for therapeutic use, extensive cell culture expansion is required. Unfortunately, these cells have a very short life-span in cell culture. They also exhibit a limited regenerative life-span after implantation into another organism for therapeutic use. Therefore, understanding fission and fusion processes will help to provide the foundations necessary for the development of novel therapeutic targets against aging and age-related diseases, as well as extend the therapeutic potential of MSCs.
Effective start/end date10/08/1109/08/13

Project funding

  • Internal
  • Vice presidency for Research