6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Adriana Catalina Roa Casas with the persons below:
Gloria Esperanza Bernal Ramirez
- Department of Education - Assistant Professor
- In novum educatio - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Luz Stella Angarita Palencia
- Department of Literature - Assistant Professor, Director of Masters in Literature
- Problems of Latin American and Colombian literary histories: canon and corpus - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Administrative
Zulma Patricia Zuluaga Ocampo
- Department of Education - Assistant Professor
- School of Education - Director of Graduate Programs
- In novum educatio - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Administrative
Monica Maria Bermudez Grajales
- Department of Education - Assistant Professor
- In novum educatio - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Argemiro Alberto Florez Pregonero
- Department of Education - Associate Professor
- In novum educatio - Research team leader
Person: Academic, Researcher