6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Paula C Bermúdez with the persons below:
Juan Pablo Garcia Cifuentes
- Department of Electronics and Computer Science - Assistant Professor
- Research Group DESTINO - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Raul Hernando Murillo Moreno
- Department of Internal Medicine - Assistant Professor
- PUJ-HUSI ONCOLOGY GROUP - Research team leader
- Preventive and social medicine - Member research group
- Research in oncology - Tutor Research Student Group
- Hospital Universitario San Ignacio
Person: Academic, Researcher, Tutor
Marcela Arrivillaga
- Department of Public Health and Epidemiology - Full Professor
- Vice presidency for Academic Affairs - Director Research and Development Office
- Research Group Economy, management and health (ECGESA) - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Administrative
Mauricio Perez Florez
- Department of Public Health and Epidemiology - Associate Professor
- Research Group Economy, management and health (ECGESA) - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Jorge Alirio Holguín Ruiz
- Department of Public Health and Epidemiology - Assistant Professor
- Research Group Economy, management and health (ECGESA) - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Salomé Victoria Mojica
- Department of Public Health and Epidemiology - Assistant Professor
- Research Group Economy, management and health (ECGESA) - Member research group
- Research Student Group CREISPUJ - Tutor Research Student Group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Tutor