6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Jhon Jairo Sutachan Rubio with the persons below:
Sonia Luz Albarracin Cordero
- Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry - Associate Professor
- Experimental and Computational Biochemistry - Member research group
- Cellular and molecular neuroscience - Tutor Research Student Group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Tutor
Ludis Del Rosario Morales Alvarez
- Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry - Full Professor
- Physiology and regulation of biological systems - Tutor Research Student Group
Person: Academic, Tutor
Yolima Del Pilar Torres Ruiz
- Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry - Full Professor
- Biophysics and physiology of ionic channels. - Tutor Research Student Group
Person: Academic, Tutor
Zulma Yanira Casas Corredor
- Department of Nutrition and Biochemistry - Assistant Professor
Person: Academic
Wilson Teran Perez
- Department of Biology - Full Professor
- Plant and Production Systems Biology - Research team leader
- Molecular Biology and Physiology of Cultivated Plants - Tutor Research Student Group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Tutor