6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Juliana Andrea Martinez Blanco with the persons below:
Luz Emilse Galvis Cristancho
- Theological Formation Center - Assistant Professor
- Interdisciplinary team for theological teaching and research: DIDASKALIA - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Jose Ricardo Acero Montañez
- Theological Formation Center - Assistant Professor
- ACADEMIA - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Adriana Alejandra Hoyos Camacho
- Theological Formation Center - Assistant Professor
- ACADEMIA - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Santiago Andres Sierra Gonzalez
- Theological Formation Center - Assistant Professor
- Social Thinking of the Church - Research team leader
Person: Academic, Researcher