6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organizational affiliations of Fabiola Cabra Torres with the persons below:
Yolanda Castro Robles
- Department of Education - Assistant Professor
- School of Education - Director Undergraduate Programs
Person: Academic, Administrative
Oscar Julián Cuesta Moreno
- Department of Education - Assistant Professor
- Education, subjectivities and policies - Research team leader
Person: Academic, Researcher
John Jairo Mateus Arbeláez
- Department of Education - Instructor
- Education, subjectivities and policies - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Manuel Enrique Perez Martinez
- Department of Rural and Regional Development - Full Professor, Director
- Institutionality and Rural Development - Research team leader
- Peripheral urban-rural and natural resource territorialities in the contemporary city. - Tutor Research Student Group
Person: Academic, Researcher, Administrative, Tutor
Leonardo Melo Gonzalez
- Department of Information Science - Assistant Professor
- Information science, society and culture - Member research group
Person: Academic, Researcher
Jorge Eduardo Urueña Lopez
- Department of Education - Assistant Professor
- Education, subjectivities and policies - Research team leader
Person: Academic, Researcher