Alexander Urrea Duque

Alexander Urrea Duque



    Personal profile

    Alexander Urrea Duque has been linked to the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana since 2023, currently working as a professor in the Department of Theology. [TeoPUJ] I have expirience on ​​Systematic Theology, Fundamental Theology, Introduction to Theology, Social Morality, Methods in Theology Research Seminar on Theological Anthropology and Human Rights in terms of Human Mobility. Currently working on those named research projects, as well as studying the writings of Bernard Lonergan S.J. I would like to keep my research goals with an open research horizon with all confessionalities related to the phenomenon and religious intelligence.

    I am the current publisher Director of the Reflexiones Teológicas magazine at the Faculty of Theology [RT]. I am Cosmopolis Research Team Leader. [MinCien] I am the former publisher Director at the Publications Office at the Department of Theology, (2022-2024). I have worked as a teacher and advisor at the Mont Carmel Center - Dallas TX - USA. I am a current member of the ICALA Colombia Council.


    Expertise related to UN Sustainable Development Goals

    In 2015, UN member states agreed to 17 global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to end poverty, protect the planet and ensure prosperity for all. This person’s work contributes towards the following SDG(s):

    • SDG 5 - Gender Equality
    • SDG 10 - Reduced Inequalities
    • SDG 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


    PhD, Doctorate in Sacred Theology (S.T.D.), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Award Date: 24 Nov 2018

    PhD, Doctorado Civil en Teología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana - Bogotá

    Award Date: 24 Nov 2018

    Master, Licentiate in Sacred Theology (S.T.L.) Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Award Date: 26 Nov 2013

    Master, Magíster en Teología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Award Date: 26 Jul 2013

    Bachelor, Bachelor of Sacred Theology (B.S.T.), Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Award Date: 20 May 2011

    Bachelor, Pregrado Civil en Teología - Pontificia Universidad Javeriana

    Award Date: 20 May 2011

    Minciencias Category

    • Non classified


    • B Philosophy (General)
    • BV1460 Religious Education
    • HN Social history and conditions. Social problems. Social reform
    • LB2300 Higher Education