Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 485 results
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Cultural Context-Aware Question-Answering Systems: An Application to the Colombian Truth Commission Documents
Moreno, L. (PI)
06/05/24 → 31/12/24
Project: Research
IoT wearable device for estimating methane emissions in animal livestock systems
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (PI) & Mendez Chaves, D. (CoPI)
01/04/24 → 31/03/27
Project: Research
Applying crop modelling tools to identify drought adaptation options for rainfed rice in Senegal (CropModAdapt)
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (PI) & Calderon Bocanegra, F. C. (CoI)
01/01/24 → 01/01/26
Project: Research
Modelo organizacional, técnico operativo y de gestión social para una organización de recicladores y su Estación de Clasificación y Aprovechamiento (ECA)
Fuquene Retamoso, C. E. (PI), Bayona Roa, C. A. (CoI), Hidalgo Guerrero, D. (CoI), Posada Uribe, L. F. (CoI), Trujillo Arboleda, L. C. (CoI) & Manrique Torres, M. (Ases)
05/12/23 → 04/12/24
Project: Research
iREHAB: Sistema inteligente de Rehabilitación usando un Exoesqueleto robótico para recuperar Habilidad motora en discapacidades post-ACV, considerando señales Biológicas del paciente.
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (PI), Iragorri Cucalon, A. M. (CoI), Mendez Chaves, D. (CoI), Mondragón Bernal, I. F. (CoI) & Alvarado Rojas, C. (CoPI)
28/11/22 → 27/11/25
Project: Research
Towards Optimal Parameterized Partitioning of Microservices
Pavlich Mariscal, J. A. (PI), Curiel Huérfano, M. J. (CoI) & Parra Acevedo, C. A. (CoI)
07/02/22 → 06/02/25
Project: Research
Fortalecimiento del Centro de excelencia y apropiación en big data y analítica, Alianza CAOBA
Pomares-Quimbaya, A. (PI), Finke Ortiz, J. (CoI), Montero Posada, A. (CoI) & Rocha Niño, H. C. (CoI)
04/02/22 → 03/02/25
Project: Research
Investigación conjunta entre el laboratorio LAPLACE de Toulouse Francia y la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana en Plasmas fríos para la salud
Diez Medina, R. F. (PI), Correa Flórez, C. A. (CoI), Flórez Rubio, D. M. (CoI), Patiño Guevara, D. A. (CoI) & Vuelvas Quintana, J. R. (CoI)
01/01/22 → 31/07/25
Project: Research
Efficient Power Amplifiers for Aggressive Duty-Cycling
Mendez Chaves, D. (PI)
01/01/21 → 31/08/25
Project: Research
Portable device to analyze thick blood smears for malaria diagnosis in field laboratories
Suarez Venegas, D. R. (PI) & Martínez Luna, C. V. (CoI)
21/02/20 → 12/12/24
Project: Research
Validación de metodología de prueba para medición de desempeño fisiológico de ciclistas.
Suarez Venegas, D. R. (PI) & Cardenas Romero, M. A. (CoI)
01/04/19 → 30/10/24
Project: Research
Anomalies due to ENSO and long-term changes in extreme precipitation indices, using data from ground stations.
Giraldo Osorio, J. D. (Other)
08/11/23 → 02/02/24
Project: Research
The F/DR-D-10 Algorithm: A Novel Heuristic Strategy to Solve the Minimum Span Frequency Assignment Problem Embedded in Mobile Applications
Fajardo Jaimes, A. (CoI), Perez Cerquera, M. R. (CoI), Perilla Galindo, G. (CoI), Yamhure Kattah, G. (CoI) & Paez Rueda, C. I. (Other)
03/10/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Plataforma digital para apoyar la rehabilitación de sobrevivientes después de un Ataque cerebrovascular (ACV)
29/09/23 → 28/05/24
Project: Research
Electrokinetic Forces as an Electrical Measure of Chemical Aging Potential in Granular Materials
Ocampo Terreros, M. S. (Other)
18/09/23 → 29/09/23
Project: Research
Exploring the Potential of Mixed Fourier Series in Signal Processing Applications Using One-Dimensional Smooth Closed-Form Functions with Compact Support: A Comprehensive Tutorial
Fajardo Jaimes, A. (CoI), Perez Cerquera, M. R. (CoI), Perilla Galindo, G. (CoI), Yamhure Kattah, G. (CoI) & Paez Rueda, C. I. (Other)
14/08/23 → 13/02/24
Project: Research
Aerial identification of fruit maturity in Amazonian palms via plant-canopy modeling
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (CoPI) & Mondragón Bernal, I. F. (Other)
26/07/23 → 25/01/24
Project: Research
Influencia del error humano y conciencia situacional en la toma de decisiones en tareas complejas. Caso de estudio: operadores de montacarga
17/07/23 → 16/07/24
Project: Research
Identificación de brechas entre los procesos cognitivos de novatos y expertos en la interpretación de electrocardiogramas en medicina
Caro Gutierrez, M. P. (PI) & Aguiar Martinez, L. G. (CoPI)
17/07/23 → 16/07/24
Project: Research
On Wireless Sensor Network Models A Cross-layer Systematic Review
Mendez Chaves, D. (Other)
28/06/23 → 27/12/23
Project: Research
Project-Based Learning: Authentic Engineering Assessment Supported by Model Design
Hurtado Londono, J. A. (Other)
07/06/23 → 06/12/23
Project: Research
Upstream and Downstream Changes in Channel Width and Sinuosity due to Dam Construction in Tropical Rivers: The Case of Colombia
Giraldo Osorio, J. D. (CoI) & Vargas Luna, A. (Other)
30/05/23 → 29/11/23
Project: Research
A Bicycle-Embedded Electromagnetic Harvester for Providing Energy to Low-Power Electronic Devices
Perez Cerquera, M. R. (CoI), Perilla Galindo, G. (CoI), Yamhure Kattah, G. (CoI), Fajardo Jaimes, A. (Other) & Paez Rueda, C. I. (Other)
25/05/23 → 24/11/23
Project: Research
Perception, comprehension and compliance of public traffic signs by cyclists
Barrero Solano, L. H. (Other)
15/05/23 → 14/11/23
Project: Research
Methodology for the proper management of diffuse pollution - BECA FULBRIGHT U.S. SPECIALIST 2022 - Dra. Gitau
Torres Pardo, C. (PI) & Lara Borrero, J. A. (CoI)
13/05/23 → 28/05/23
Project: Research
A simheuristic approach using the NSGA-II to solve a bi-objective stochastic flexible job shop problem
Gonzalez Neira, E. M. (Other) & Zambrano Rey, G. M. (Other)
08/05/23 → 07/11/23
Project: Research
Analysis of the Water, Energy and Food Nexus in Vulnerable Communities of La Guajira (Colombia), Under a Sustainable Approach
Torres Pardo, C. (PI) & Lara Borrero, J. A. (CoI)
01/01/23 → 31/12/23
Project: Research
Aunar esfuerzos entre CAOBA y la SDDE para realizar la identificación de necesidades sectoriales que puedan ser resueltas con modelos analíticos
Ortiz Pabon, E. (PI)
03/10/22 → 03/05/23
Project: Research
Detection of diabetes mellitus with deep learning and data augmentation techniques on foot thermography
Zequera Diaz, M. L. (Other)
03/08/22 → 02/02/23
Project: Research
A Communication Framework for Image Transmission through LPWAN Technology
Mendez Chaves, D. (CoI) & Perez Cerquera, M. R. (Other)
03/08/22 → 02/02/23
Project: Research
Optimal deployment of WSN nodes for crop monitoring based on geostatistical interpolations
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (CoI), Mondragón Bernal, I. F. (CoI) & Mendez Chaves, D. (Other)
03/08/22 → 02/02/23
Project: Research
Analysis of ENSO-driven variability, and long-term changes, of Extreme Precipitation Indices in Colombia, using the Satellite Rainfall Estimates CHIRPS
Giraldo Osorio, J. D. (Other)
03/08/22 → 02/02/23
Project: Research
Flower Greenhouse Energy Management to Offer Local Flexibility Markets
Correa Flórez, C. A. (CoI), Patiño Guevara, D. A. (CoI) & Vuelvas Quintana, J. R. (Other)
26/05/22 → 25/11/22
Project: Research
Aerial Identification of Amazonian Palms in High-Density Forest Using Deep Learning
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (CoPI) & Mondragón Bernal, I. F. (Other)
04/05/22 → 03/11/22
Project: Research
Image features for quality analysis of thick blood smears employed in malaria diagnosis
Suarez Venegas, D. R. (Other)
25/02/22 → 24/08/22
Project: Research
Machine learning and remote sensing techniques applied to estimate soil indicators - Review
Patiño Guevara, D. A. (CoI), Vuelvas Quintana, J. R. (CoI) & Correa Flórez, C. A. (Other)
18/02/22 → 17/08/22
Project: Research
Four-Dimensional Plant Phenotyping Model Integrating Low-Density LiDAR Data and Multispectral Images
Colorado Montaño, J. D. (Other)
14/02/22 → 13/08/22
Project: Research
Dispositivos médicos implantables y Campos de Radiocomunicaciones
Perez Cerquera, M. R. (CoI)
01/02/22 → 31/12/22
Project: Research
Diseño de una intervención para mejorar la participación en el programa de tamizaje de cáncer de cuello uterino en Bogotá
Díaz Manrique, A. D. P. (PI) & Barrera Ferro, O. D. (CoPI)
17/01/22 → 16/01/23
Project: Research
Energías Alternativas Descentralizadas para la Desalinización de Agua: Una Revisión del Estado del Arte
Lara Borrero, J. A. (Other)
05/11/21 → 04/05/22
Project: Research
Prototipado rápido, pruebas, y escalado de soluciones basadas en manufactura aditiva para insumos COVID-19 y post-COVID-19
Suarez Venegas, D. R. (PI) & Salcedo Reyes, J. C. (CoI)
27/09/21 → 26/11/23
Project: Research
A Novel Single-Inductor Bipolar-Output DC/DC Boost Converter for OLED microdisplays
Fajardo Jaimes, A. (CoI), Paez Rueda, C. I. (CoI), Perilla Galindo, G. (CoI), Vuelvas Quintana, J. R. (CoI) & Correa Flórez, C. A. (Other)
27/09/21 → 26/03/22
Project: Research
Spectrum Demand Forecasting for IoT Services
Jaramillo Ramírez, D. (Other)
02/09/21 → 01/03/22
Project: Research
Radio Access Mechanism for Massive Internet of Things Services over White Spaces
Perez Cerquera, M. R. (Other)
02/09/21 → 01/03/22
Project: Research
Cyber-Physical workstation for balancing the human wellbeing and productivity in industrial context
Saavedra Robinson, L. A. (Other)
24/08/21 → 23/02/22
Project: Research
Celebrity Profiling through Linguistic Analysis of Digital Social Networks
Alvarado Valencia, J. A. (CoI) & Pomares-Quimbaya, A. (Other)
12/08/21 → 11/02/22
Project: Research
Humedales para el tratamiento de lodos producto del dragado en la laguna de Fuquene, Colombia
Lara Borrero, J. A. (PI)
02/08/21 → 01/08/22
Project: Research