Research units
- 42 results
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ARTICO (Networked Applications, Telematics and Internet of Things)
Organizational unit: Research Semillero
Bioengineering, signal analysis and image processing
Organizational unit: Research Group
Center for Research in Optimization and Logistics - CIOL
Organizational unit: Research Group
CEPIT: Control Systems, Power Electronics and Technological Innovation Management
Organizational unit: Research Group
INGENIAS - Researchers. Student Group for the Co-creation of New Gender Dynamics in Engineering, Academia and Society.
Organizational unit: Research Semillero
Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Group Javeriana University
Organizational unit: Research Group
Research Student Group in electronic design and innovation (Wm-Electronics)
Organizational unit: Research Semillero
Seedbed of knowledge and information analytics (SEKIA)
Research Student Groups, Research Student Groups, Research Student Groups
Organizational unit: Research Semillero
SIDRe - Information Systems, Distributed Systems and Computer Networks
Organizational unit: Research Group
SIRP - Intelligent Systems, Robotics and Perception
Organizational unit: Research Group
Virtualization and cloud computing technologies (VCLOUD)
Organizational unit: Research Semillero
Water for the future: monitoring, modeling, and management.
Organizational unit: Research Semillero