Projects per year
- 1 - 50 out of 1,595 results
Search results
Comparative Analysis of Bacteria, Fungi, and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Medicinal Plants Lippia alba and Petiveria alliacea in Colombia
Diaz Ariza, L. A. P. (Other)
21/11/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Plant Extracts Modulate Cellular Stress to Inhibit Replication of Mouse Coronavirus MHV-A59
Fiorentino Gomez, S. (CoI) & Barreto Prieto, A. (Other)
17/11/23 → 01/03/24
Project: Research
Effect of Petiveria alliacea extracts on metabolism of K562 my-eloid leukemia cells.
Fiorentino Gomez, S. (Other)
16/11/23 → 16/12/23
Project: Research
Exploring the Potential Mechanism of Action of Piperine against Candida albicans and Targeting its Virulence Factors
Parra Giraldo, C. M. (CoI) & Modesti Costa, G. (Other)
15/11/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Barreto Prieto, A. (PI) & Caicedo Ortiz, P. N. (Doct)
02/11/23 → 01/12/23
Project: Research
Statistical Improvement of rGILCC 1 a nd rPOXA 1B Lac-cases Activity Assay Conditions Supporting by Molecular Dy-namics
Pedroza Rodriguez, A. M. (CoI), Quevedo Hidalgo, B. E. (CoI) & Poutou Piñales, R. A. (Participant)
23/10/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Competing endogenous RNAs in human astrocyte: crosstalk and interacting networks in response to lipotoxicity
Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (CoI) & Gonzalez Santos, J. (Other)
19/10/23 → 23/11/23
Project: Research
The progression of luminal breast cancer diminishes with the expression of hsa-miR-1225-5p
Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (Other)
18/10/23 → 18/12/23
Project: Research
A Novel Tri-Hydroxy-Methylated Chalcone Isolated from 2 Chromolaena Tacotana with Anticancer Potential Targeting 3 Pro-Survival Proteins
Celis Zambrano, C. A. (Other)
04/10/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Clethra fimbriata hexanic extract triggers alteration in the energy metabolism in epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi
Cuervo Patiño, C. L. (Other)
29/09/23 → 28/09/24
Project: Research
Postbiotic Activities of Bifidobacterium adolescentis: Impacts on Viability, Structural Integrity, and Cell Death Markers in Hu-man Intestinal C2BBe1 Cells.
Ulloa Rubiano, J. C. (Other)
28/09/23 → 27/03/24
Project: Research
Bioactive compounds from P. pertomentellum that regulate QS, biofilm formation, and virulence factor production of P. aeruginosa.
Prieto Rodríguez, J. (Other)
28/07/23 → 27/01/24
Project: Research
Etiologies of Zoonotic Tropical Febrile Illnesses That Are Not Part of the Notifiable Diseases in Colombia
Hidalgo, M. (Other)
25/07/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Trends in the management of organic swine farm waste by composting: A systematic review
Matiz Villamil, A. (CoI) & Pulido Villamarin, A. D. P. (Other)
24/07/23 → 23/01/24
Project: Research
From acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency to autophagy: understanding the bases of Pompe disease
Echeverri Pena, O. Y. (CoI) & Guevara Morales, J. M. (Other)
04/07/23 → 03/01/24
Project: Research
La transformación del chontaduro como un aporte a la reincorporación social y económica de la comunidad Noble y de Paz Marco Aurelio Buendía de firmantes del Acuerdo de Paz.
Ballesteros Vivas, D. (PI), Caicedo Ortiz, P. N. (CoI) & Giraldo Toro, A. (CoI)
15/05/23 → 15/09/23
Project: Research
Antiquorum and antibiofilm activities of Piper bogotense C. DC. against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and identification of bioactive compounds
Prieto Rodríguez, J. (Other)
27/04/23 → 26/10/23
Project: Research
Humoral Immune Response of Mice against a Vaccine Candidate Composed of a Chimera of gB of Bovine Alphaherpesviruses 1 and 5
Almeciga Diaz, C. J. (Other)
21/04/23 → 20/10/23
Project: Research
Lupeol acetate and ¿-amyrin terpenes activity against Trypa-nosoma cruzi: Insights into toxicity and potential mechanisms of action
Mejía Chica, S. M. (Other)
17/04/23 → 16/10/23
Project: Research
Papel del gen FOXA1 en la respuesta al tratamiento con agentes quimioterapéuticos en cáncer de seno triple negativo.
Rangel, N. (PI), Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (CoI) & Villegas Galvez, V. E. (CoI)
30/03/23 → 30/03/24
Project: Research
Emergence and Circulation of Azole-Resistant C. albicans, C. auris and C. parapsilosis Bloodstream Isolates Carrying Y132F, K143R or T220L Erg11p Substitutions in Colombia
Valderrama Beltran, S. L. (CoI) & Parra Giraldo, C. M. (Other)
09/03/23 → 08/09/23
Project: Research
Interacción entre Steinernema feltiae SC125 y Metarhizium anisopliae 9236 para el control de la polilla guatemalteca de la papa
Rodríguez Bocanegra, M. X. (CoI) & Sáenz-Aponte, A. (Other)
08/03/23 → 07/09/23
Project: Research
Marquez Cardona, M. D. P. (Other)
08/03/23 → 07/09/23
Project: Research
Un método basado en la descomposición en valores singulares para resolver el problema de información faltante en matrices de datos
García Peña, M. (PI)
03/03/23 → 02/09/24
Project: Research
Impact of acute high glucose on mitochondrial function in a model of endothelial cells. Role of PDGF-C
Morales Alvarez, L. D. R. (Other)
24/02/23 → 23/08/23
Project: Research
Optimización de la formulación de un producto alimentario con inclusión de Tropaeolum majus y validación de su potencial funcional
Guzman Perez, V. (PI), Ballesteros Vivas, D. (CoI), Carrascal Camacho, A. K. (CoI), Garcia Castro, N. J. (CoI), Giraldo Toro, A. (CoI) & Vera Bravo, R. (CoI)
01/02/23 → 31/01/24
Project: Research
Seascape connectivity: ontogenetic migration model for Haemulon flavolineatum
Acosta Moreno, L. A. (Other)
26/10/22 → 25/04/23
Project: Research
MicroRNA: A Linking between Astrocyte Dysfunction, Mild Cognitive Impairment, and Neurodegenerative Diseases
Gonzalez Santos, J. (Other)
26/10/22 → 25/04/23
Project: Research
Modulation of Small RNA Signatures by Astrocytes on Early Neurodegeneration Stages; Implications for Biomarker Discovery
Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (CoI) & Gonzalez Santos, J. (Other)
26/10/22 → 25/04/23
Project: Research
Actualización de los servicios de ANSEP (Astrocyte-neuron simulation environment platform) bajo el estudio integrativo de enfermedades neurodegenerativas
Gonzalez Santos, J. (PI) & Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (Tut)
19/10/22 → 26/07/24
Project: Research
Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus L) subchronic consumption on insulin resistance and lipid profile in prediabetic subjects. A Pilot study.
Ballesteros Vivas, D. (CoI), Cuellar Rios, I. C. (CoI), Ruiz Morales, A. D. J. (CoI) & Guzman Perez, V. (Other)
09/09/22 → 08/03/23
Project: Research
Determination of adulteration of milk with cheese whey using casein glycomacropeptide as indicator by HPLC
Vera Bravo, R. (Other)
03/09/22 → 02/03/23
Project: Research
CD8+ T lymphocytes in chronic chagasic heart disease: two decades of study
Cuellar Avila, A. (CoI), Lasso Apráez, P. V. (CoI) & Puerta Bula, C. J. (Other)
25/08/22 → 24/02/23
Project: Research
Metabolic impact of infant formulas in young infants. An outlook from the urine metabolome
Guevara Morales, J. M. (CoI), Rodriguez Lopez, E. A. (CoI) & Echeverri Pena, O. Y. (Other)
19/08/22 → 18/02/23
Project: Research
Effect of Platelet-Derived Growth Factor C on Mitochondrial Oxidative Stress Induced by High d-Glucose in Human Aortic Endothelial Cells
Morales Alvarez, L. D. R. (Other)
09/08/22 → 08/02/23
Project: Research
Production of pine sawdust biochar supporting phosphate solubilizing bacteria as an alternative bioinoculant in Allium cepa L., culture
Devia Castillo, C. A. (CoI), Diaz Ariza, L. A. P. (CoI), Poutou Piñales, R. A. (CoI) & Pedroza Rodriguez, A. M. (Other)
03/08/22 → 02/02/23
Project: Research
Curvas de respuesta fotosintética a la irrandiancia: elucidando la capacidad fotosintética de clones de cacao (Theobroma cacao L.)
Rodriguez Perez, L. (Other)
02/08/22 → 01/02/23
Project: Research
A visual proposal for evaluation of loglinear mixed models of count data
Acosta Avena, L. M. (PI)
01/08/22 → 31/01/25
Project: Research