Projects per year
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Small Positive Solutions for a Schrödinger-Poisson System in Expanding Domains
04/03/24 → 03/09/25
Project: Research
Geometric vector fields on Riemannian manifolds
Vargas Domínguez, A. (PI)
19/01/24 → 18/07/25
Project: Research
Implementación de protocolos diagnósticos para diferentes errores innatos del metabolismo
Guevara Morales, J. M. (PI) & Echeverri Pena, O. Y. (CoPI)
01/12/23 → 30/11/27
Project: Research
Evaluation of the cytotoxicity of Ilex guayusa and Piper marginatum extracts on human dental pulp mesenchymal stem cells
Sequeda Castaneda, L. G. (Other)
28/11/23 → 27/06/25
Project: Research
Evaluation of the bioconservative potential of the plant species Pentacalia corymbosa (Benth.) Cuatrec. (Asteraceae)
Sequeda Castaneda, L. G. (Other)
28/11/23 → 27/05/25
Project: Research
Semiparametric accelerated failure time models with generalized gamma and log-gamma distributions under censored data.
01/10/23 → 31/03/25
Project: Research
Análisis de integración metabólica a escala genómica de los perfiles de expresión de ncRNAs en astrocitos humanos bajo estrés lipotóxico
Gonzalez Santos, J. (PI)
29/05/23 → 29/05/25
Project: Research
Latin American Aspergillus fumigatus Azole Resistance Survey in 12 countries
Parra Giraldo, C. M. (PI)
01/03/22 → 28/02/25
Project: Research
Evaluación de las propiedades del extracto de la microalga Galdieria sp. USBA-GBX 832 para su aplicación en salud y cosmecéutica
López Ramírez, G. P. (PI), Barreto Prieto, A. (CoI), Fiorentino Gomez, S. (CoI), Vera Bravo, R. (CoI) & Quevedo Hidalgo, B. E. (CoPI)
15/02/22 → 14/02/25
Project: Research
Deterioro Cognitivo Leve como predictor temprano de trastornos neurodegenerativos: un enfoque multiómico para el Departamento del Atlántico
Gonzalez Santos, J. (PI) & Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (CoI)
15/02/22 → 14/02/27
Project: Research
Implementación de estrategias adecuadas de monitorización inmunológica y caracterización clínica en pacientes VIH+ en diferentes fases de la enfermedad y en pacientes con linfomas asociados a SIDA.
Quijano Gomez, S. M. (PI), Fiorentino Gomez, S. (CoI) & Valderrama Beltran, S. L. (CoI)
15/02/22 → 14/02/26
Project: Research
Comparative Analysis of Bacteria, Fungi, and Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi in Medicinal Plants Lippia alba and Petiveria alliacea in Colombia
Diaz Ariza, L. A. P. (Other)
21/11/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Plant Extracts Modulate Cellular Stress to Inhibit Replication of Mouse Coronavirus MHV-A59
Fiorentino Gomez, S. (CoI) & Barreto Prieto, A. (Other)
17/11/23 → 01/03/24
Project: Research
Effect of Petiveria alliacea extracts on metabolism of K562 my-eloid leukemia cells.
Fiorentino Gomez, S. (Other)
16/11/23 → 16/12/23
Project: Research
Exploring the Potential Mechanism of Action of Piperine against Candida albicans and Targeting its Virulence Factors
Parra Giraldo, C. M. (CoI) & Modesti Costa, G. (Other)
15/11/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Barreto Prieto, A. (PI) & Caicedo Ortiz, P. N. (Doct)
02/11/23 → 01/12/23
Project: Research
Statistical Improvement of rGILCC 1 a nd rPOXA 1B Lac-cases Activity Assay Conditions Supporting by Molecular Dy-namics
Pedroza Rodriguez, A. M. (CoI), Quevedo Hidalgo, B. E. (CoI) & Poutou Piñales, R. A. (Participant)
23/10/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Competing endogenous RNAs in human astrocyte: crosstalk and interacting networks in response to lipotoxicity
Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (CoI) & Gonzalez Santos, J. (Other)
19/10/23 → 23/11/23
Project: Research
The progression of luminal breast cancer diminishes with the expression of hsa-miR-1225-5p
Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (Other)
18/10/23 → 18/12/23
Project: Research
A Novel Tri-Hydroxy-Methylated Chalcone Isolated from 2 Chromolaena Tacotana with Anticancer Potential Targeting 3 Pro-Survival Proteins
Celis Zambrano, C. A. (Other)
04/10/23 → 30/11/23
Project: Research
Clethra fimbriata hexanic extract triggers alteration in the energy metabolism in epimastigotes of Trypanosoma cruzi
Cuervo Patiño, C. L. (Other)
29/09/23 → 28/09/24
Project: Research
Postbiotic Activities of Bifidobacterium adolescentis: Impacts on Viability, Structural Integrity, and Cell Death Markers in Hu-man Intestinal C2BBe1 Cells.
Ulloa Rubiano, J. C. (Other)
28/09/23 → 27/03/24
Project: Research
Bioactive compounds from P. pertomentellum that regulate QS, biofilm formation, and virulence factor production of P. aeruginosa.
Prieto Rodríguez, J. (Other)
28/07/23 → 27/01/24
Project: Research
Etiologies of Zoonotic Tropical Febrile Illnesses That Are Not Part of the Notifiable Diseases in Colombia
Hidalgo, M. (Other)
25/07/23 → 15/12/23
Project: Research
Trends in the management of organic swine farm waste by composting: A systematic review
Matiz Villamil, A. (CoI) & Pulido Villamarin, A. D. P. (Other)
24/07/23 → 23/01/24
Project: Research
From acid alpha-glucosidase deficiency to autophagy: understanding the bases of Pompe disease
Echeverri Pena, O. Y. (CoI) & Guevara Morales, J. M. (Other)
04/07/23 → 03/01/24
Project: Research
La transformación del chontaduro como un aporte a la reincorporación social y económica de la comunidad Noble y de Paz Marco Aurelio Buendía de firmantes del Acuerdo de Paz.
Ballesteros Vivas, D. (PI), Caicedo Ortiz, P. N. (CoI) & Giraldo Toro, A. (CoI)
15/05/23 → 15/09/23
Project: Research
Antiquorum and antibiofilm activities of Piper bogotense C. DC. against Pseudomonas aeruginosa and identification of bioactive compounds
Prieto Rodríguez, J. (Other)
27/04/23 → 26/10/23
Project: Research
Humoral Immune Response of Mice against a Vaccine Candidate Composed of a Chimera of gB of Bovine Alphaherpesviruses 1 and 5
Almeciga Diaz, C. J. (Other)
21/04/23 → 20/10/23
Project: Research
Lupeol acetate and ¿-amyrin terpenes activity against Trypa-nosoma cruzi: Insights into toxicity and potential mechanisms of action
Mejía Chica, S. M. (Other)
17/04/23 → 16/10/23
Project: Research
Papel del gen FOXA1 en la respuesta al tratamiento con agentes quimioterapéuticos en cáncer de seno triple negativo.
Rangel, N. (PI), Aristizábal Pachon, A. F. (CoI) & Villegas Galvez, V. E. (CoI)
30/03/23 → 30/03/24
Project: Research
Emergence and Circulation of Azole-Resistant C. albicans, C. auris and C. parapsilosis Bloodstream Isolates Carrying Y132F, K143R or T220L Erg11p Substitutions in Colombia
Valderrama Beltran, S. L. (CoI) & Parra Giraldo, C. M. (Other)
09/03/23 → 08/09/23
Project: Research
Interacción entre Steinernema feltiae SC125 y Metarhizium anisopliae 9236 para el control de la polilla guatemalteca de la papa
Rodríguez Bocanegra, M. X. (CoI) & Sáenz-Aponte, A. (Other)
08/03/23 → 07/09/23
Project: Research
Marquez Cardona, M. D. P. (Other)
08/03/23 → 07/09/23
Project: Research
Un método basado en la descomposición en valores singulares para resolver el problema de información faltante en matrices de datos
García Peña, M. (PI)
03/03/23 → 02/09/24
Project: Research
Impact of acute high glucose on mitochondrial function in a model of endothelial cells. Role of PDGF-C
Morales Alvarez, L. D. R. (Other)
24/02/23 → 23/08/23
Project: Research